The Wander Woman Blog

Is meditation the holy grail for next generation leaders?

Feb 22, 2021

Ok, I admit it.

I'm a high performance junkie. Always on the lookout for the next frontier of bigger, better faster.

And recently...

A high performance junkie when it comes to more fulfilment and i...

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15 journaling prompts to reflect on year 2020

Dec 15, 2020


Ok so I'm huuuuge on journaling and I journal nearly every day.

This past week I hosted a meditation + journaling session with my clients to reflect on the year 2020 and I prepared a 15 promp...

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My Spotify playlist to companion your inner journey

Dec 15, 2020

Hello lovelies!

It's nearly Xmas time and this year I wanted to do something special for you!

If you've followed me for a while you know that I love music - in my IG I often share little yoga or dan...

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What books I read in 2020?

Dec 15, 2020


we're nearly at the end of the year which is the prime time for all sorts of wrap ups and this year I was called to share my favourite reads with you!

Before I do that I wish to share a few oth...

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How did I make the biggest dream in my life come true?

Jul 24, 2019

Hello lovely!

Happy July – wow it’s getting hot in here…! I’m enjoying the last rays of sun here in Finland before I’m back in my usual grind in London next week!

Today I wanted to share a story wit...

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What I would tell the 19-year-old version of myself

Jun 04, 2019

Congrats on everyone graduating from a variety of schools this past weekend! You rock…and you’re in for an adventure called life!

I graduated in 2002 which is a few years ago... Saying that time goes...

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Would you rather grow and contribute than to play it safe?

Apr 30, 2019

(Originally published in Jan 2019)

Are you placing certainty over growth and contribution?

If there’s something I learned from Tony Robbins, it’s the importance of sequencing your six human needs in...

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Where did I get the idea to write a book and how did it all happen?

Apr 30, 2019

(Published originally in Nov 2018, slightly edited since)

I’m over the moon to share the news that my book –The Wander Woman’s Playbook – is finally out and available for purchase in Amazon.

Where d...

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Great energy is the source of happiness!

Apr 30, 2019

(Published originally in Jan 2019)

Last week I shared my 2019 goals on social media with my number one goal being:


It's not by mistake this i...

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50% Complete

Two Step

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